Learn from Experts

Carvers Teaching Carving




Areas of Instruction

Realistic Bust Carving

Using a mallet and chisels, students will create a realistic human bust (male or female) with expert guidance provided by GOW’s Master Carver, Vic Hood.

Caricature carving instructor holds a carving of a cowboy
Caricature Carving

Students will truly enjoy carving whimsical caricatures from roughouts with veteran GOW instructor Roger Stegal.

Dylan Goodson demonstrates relief carving
Realistic Figure Carving or Relief Carving

Expert professional woodcarver Dylan Goodson shares his knowledge of carving the student’s choice of a realistic figure or a relief carving of a scene or other subject.

Joshua Walters holds a carved bark cottage
Joshua Walters displays one of his whimsical cottonwood bark cottages

Pyrography instructor Marie McDonough shares her knowledge with a student Pyrography instructor Marie McDonough shares her knowledge with a student. Pyrography truly becomes “drawing with fire” with the guidance of expert  professional woodcarver and pyrographer, Marie McDonough as she surprises students with some fascinating techniques.

“Just wanted to thank you for putting on the Gathering of Woodcarvers.
For someone who is relatively new to woodcarving, it was a great
opportunity to learn from expert carvers in a location close to home,
and at a reasonable cost, as well. I can’t wait for the next G.O.W”
Ray M.-Aurora, IL

About the Gathering of Woodcarvers

In 2001, master carver Joe Dillett, owner of the Carving Shop, in Somonauk, IL, organized the first “Gathering of Woodcarvers”.  With help from the late, ‘Old Don Burgdorf, Don’s wife Sandi and a few others, Joe brought together an impressive group of woodcarvers and instructors, including himself, and over the ensuing years, such notable carving gurus as Floyd Rhadigan, Chris Howard, Ol’ Don Burgdorf and others.

Joe Dillet Teaching a beginning relief carving class in 2017
Student learns relief carving at GOW

“I have attended just about every Gathering of Woodcarvers event and still find it interesting, educational and a lot of fun.  Getting advice and feedback directly from a professional carver is always helpful and getting to interact with fellow carvers and see their work is also very enjoyable.”

Ed Boyd

Working on a relief carving in Dylan Goodson’s class

Let us hear from you

You can help make the G.O.W. a better program for yourself and your fellow artists by sharing your “constructive”  thoughts (please be kind). We will consider all ideas. Just drop us an e-mail to: Gatheringofwoodcarvers@gmail.com