About the G.O.W.
Then, now, and going forward

Genesis of the G.O.W.
In 2001, Joe Dillet founded the Gathering of Woodcarvers, an annual “round-up” type of carving event where experienced woodcarvers such as Floyd Rhadigan, Chris Howard, Ol’ Don Burgdorf and various others came together to share their expertise with enthusiastic students of the art.
After 9 consecutive years of acting as CEO of operations and a reunion in 2013, Joe pushed the “pause” button, considering how to move forward.
Then, in 2016 I, Mike Noland approached Joe with a request to re-activate the “Gathering”. To my surprise, Joe suggested that I take charge of the program, which seemed like a huge challenge, but I was so excited about the prospect of a renewed Gathering of Woodcarvers, I couldn’t refuse. So, in 2017, with a lot of help from Joe, Ol’ Don Burgdorf, and many others, I launched the New “Gathering of Woodcarvers’ Woodcarving Art Festival”. Having experienced classes with some of the country’s best woodcarvers at venues like the International Woodcarvers’ Congress, Doan University, John C. Campbell Folk School and various “round up” carving shows, I was inspired to share that experience with our local carvers. To my delight, carvers from as far away as California have seen the value in our program and join us annually for the Gathering of Woodcarvers’ Woodcarving Art Festival, now held in Yorkville, IL each October.
We want to hear from you!
If you have thoughts on ways to improve G.O.W., we would love to hear from you. (Constructive ideas please.) E-mail us at: Gatheringofwoodcarvers@gmail.com